
Editorial: Every cloud has a silver lining—COVID-19 and positive work outcomes

We are extremely honored to be given the opportunity to guest edit this special edition of the Frontiers in Psychology Journal, which showcases outstanding articles related to the theme of the Research Topic. The call emphasizes that although many …

The mediating role of psychological capital resources between grit and graduate employability

This paper seeks to determine the influence of grit on graduate employ- ability (GE) and aims to extend past studies by introducing psychological capital (PsyCap) resources (i.e., hope, self-efficacy, resilience, optimism) as the mediators between …

Towards a conceptual framework for the moderating effect of Grit on the relationship between Psychological Capital and Graduate Employability

The construct of graduate employability (GE) has received a considerable attention from researchers and policy makers because of its importance in attaining the national economic agenda. Human resource management researchers have identified and …